





    China Agricultural Machinery DistributionAssociation

    Establishment of the China AgriculturalMachinery Distribution Association (CAMDA), subject to approval from theMinistry of Civil Affairs, took place on May 13, 1991. Directly under theState-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, the associationreceives supervision and administration from the China Federation of Logistics& Purchasing, and receives business guidance from the Ministry of Commerce,the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Industry and InformationTechnology, and the National Development and Reform Commissions.

    The CAMDA is a nationwide industry organizationwith agricultural machinery distribution enterprises as the backbone, and withagricultural machinery manufacturing enterprises as the foundation, involvinguniversities and colleges dedicated to research and education in agriculturalmachinery  distribution/manufacturing/marketing,relevant social groups, and regional agricultural machinery distributionassociations. The member units are free from the restriction of relationship ofadministrative subordination and ownership system. It is a non-profit socialorganization with the status of a legal person. Its functions includeformulating plans on the agricultural machinery distribution industry, settingindustry standards, building modern agricultural machinery distribution system,studying modern agricultural machinery distribution methods, carrying outall-industry quality service activities, and organizing national agriculturalmachinery exhibitions. It also carries out new product and technologypromotions, agricultural machinery market planning, information consulting anddata statistics, releases agricultural machinery market climax index, buildsindustry credit system, and conducts distribution talent training, andinternational exchanges and cooperation. As an influential and widelyrecognized institution in China’s agricultural machinery industry, it now hasmore than 1,100 direct member units, over 2,600 indirect member units and20,000-plus sales outlets. The China International Agricultural MachineryExhibition sponsored by CAMDA is the largest agricultural machinery exhibitionin Asia, and a well-known event in the world.

    The CAMDA’s tenet: Observe theConstitution, laws, regulations of the People’s Republic of China, andrelevant  national policies, representand maintain the industry’s common interests and CAMDA members’ legitimaterights and interests, and convey the wishes and requirements of the industryand CAMDA members to competent government departments; assist the government in industry administration, organizeits members to carry out various kinds of activities, and act as a bridge between the government and enterprises;provide all-around services for its members, enterprises and the industry,contributing to industry upgrading, agricultural mechanization and agriculturalmodernization.